Here in southwestern Wisconsin, we have zero snow but are entering an arctic cold snap of temps well below zero. Absolutely nothing is growing outside here, and we won’t see anything start sprouting until April. I love seeing your warm weather and plants!

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Beautiful pics! It’s so fun to see a landscape so different than my own. As I look out the window, the ground is completely covered in snow. The trees are bare. I planted new tulip bulbs in the fall, and I’m reminded they are still out there, covered by the snow, and that the cold is necessary for them to bloom this spring.

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Lovely! We've got a flowering pear in front of our house... Here, daffodils are coming up, the nasturtiums are going crazy, and the ceanothus is about to bloom.

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LOL. Birds, plants, and flowers. I hit 40, and those suddenly became of extreme interest to me. I have the Merlin ID bird app on my phone, and I LOVE it. I've so far refused to put a plant ID app on my phone (because one must draw a line somewhere), but I absolutely have no qualms about sending a photo of a plant to my BFF and making her look it up on HER app, lol. You know what, though? I'm loving it all.

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I love this peek at what's growing around your home! We have wild blackberries and raspberries everywhere here, but are sadly dependent on imported avocados. I'm thinking I should try to grow some Aspirational Avocados and see whether Bryan or I come out ahead :)

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